• PEMF stands for pulsed electromagnetic field. The ARC creates pulsed electromagnetic fields by a unique, modular plasma chamber with no digital gating or manipulation of the raw magnetic energy. PEMF has been demonstrated to be beneficial to numerous aspects of human health and is very well documented to be safe if used properly.

  • The ARC is a practitioner grade product. The basic package comes with a half body mat applicator and a large, hand stitched leather coil applicator. The price for the basic kit is $24,963.00

    For more information on pricing and how to purchase, contact us.

  • Unlike many digital PEMF devices, the ARC is not frequency based and does not use repeating waveforms to cause sympathetic resonance entrainment. The ARC is an analog and intuitive machine that is non repetitive. You will feel the inconsistent waves of intensity and pulse rate, even as you leave the dials untouched in your session. This inconsistency is what makes ARC so unique and so powerful. Nothing in nature is consistent, the spirals of fibonacci and waves of life are ever present. This is healing for your body. The dynamic magnetic flux allows for the maximum depth of field penetration into the tissues of the body.

    The faster and less intense the pulses, the ARC is working on your dermal layers and energetic body. The slower and more intense the pulse rate, the deeper the field is penetrating into your bones and marrow, having profound effects on your physical body, as well as your spirit.

  • The more you use the device, the better results you will see. Daily sessions are recommended, however, we have seen positive results in practitioner applications with 30 min sessions 2-3 times a week. Some people use it more than once a day, time permitting. Being an extremely high powered device, results are often achieved in far less time compared to low powered machines that can take weeks or months to show significant effects.

  • No. If you have a metal medical implant, internal insulin pump, or pacemaker, you cannot use the ARC. The ARC can also damage key fobs, credit card chips, and phones so, please be aware of this.