The ARC is a powerful and unique device that delivers strong, coherent, point source magnetic fields to the body and offers unparalleled tissue penetration that is unmatched by solid state devices.
Pulsed magnetic fields are a powerful catalyst in healing cell membranes. Pulsed magnetic fields that the ARC creates produce immediate and long term health benefits. The characteristics of these responses are most likely attributable to improvements in cell membrane performance.
Cell membranes are stacked polar lipids, also referred to as fats. One end of the molecule is fat soluble, or lipophilic, and the other is water soluble, or hydrophilic. Since there is a net electron deficiency at one part of the molecule and an excess at the other, these two ends flip polarity like a pump. The high intensity pulsed magnetic fields created by ARC insert raw molecular energy to these polar lipids, causing them to respond, creating a push and pull on the polar regions of the molecules, exciting them on a molecular scale without significantly adding to entropy. This spin moment where the field pulls on one end of the cell and pushes on the other, gently shakes the polar lipids.
This movement is important because cell membranes often have toxins which prevent tight stacking, or create chemically or electrically leaky cell membranes by disrupting organization of polar lipids. Power leakage across the cell membrane creates a cellular power deficiency which underlies many diseases and syndromes. Shaking the lipids with pulsed magnetic fields improves organization in the cell membrane, which in turn creates an improvement in the electrical integrity, and hence the membrane’s power production performance.
Moreover, improving the organization of the lipids also decreases the tendency for structured synthetic toxins to fit within the lipid matrix. Pulsed magnetic fields cause temporary magneedleproation of the cell membrane, making them temporarily more permeable, accelerating the cellular metabolism - dumping toxins and absorbing nutrients at an accelerated rate. Both phenomenons tend to be therapeutic and further enhance cellular metabolism. The magneedleproation effect of pulsed magnetic fields lasts from one to four hours.
The ARC is an analog application geared more for acupuncture. With our uniquely machined components, you can control pulse rate and intensity of your magnetic field independently. This gives you the most control possible in a pure analog machine. No microprocessor signal gating, just pure unadulterated magnetic energy delivered deeply into the body. It harmonizes still space for the meridian pathways to self regulate. The idea is not to have a machine think for you, but be intuitive and complement your own innate healing. The body knows what it needs. When it has the space and time to recalibrate, it will use this given gift of energy appropriately.
You may feel an array of different body responses while, and after, using the ARC. Some may feel a sense of involuntary muscle movements similar to an electrical tens medical device. What you are feeling is your mitochondria receiving a field of magnetic flux, which in turn creates an internal excitation. This encourages the mitochondria to pass surplus qi, or energy, to surrounding mitochondria and any biological systems that are in need. Think of this process simply as a form of communication cell to cell. Without proper communication, critical information is slowed down and in some cases gets backed up.
The body is extremely intelligent and will divert power and reroute as needed to keep us alive. We are all equipped with these fail safes. What if we can do more and assist the body’s natural function? Help support proper cellular communication by simply bringing more useable energy to our biofield. It is hard to think of one degrading physical symptom of the human body that would not in some way benefit from having more energy - energy to clean, detox, purify, rebuild, renew, recalibrate and harmonize. Life simply comes back to our basics to fulfill these vital relationship roles.
When you use the ARC, we want you to use this understanding and listen to your body. What feels right for one person may be completely different for the other. Even day to day, or as we embark on several sessions, you may feel it necessary to adjust your time, intensity and pulse rate to match your body’s needs.

point source analog
Semiconductor, or solid state, PEMF machines tend to negatively effect the raw energy magnetic field when the microprocessor gates the signal in an attempt to precisely control the intensity, or amplitude.
We have custom machined unique capacitors and have designed a modular plasma chamber that allows the initial magnetic energy generated to remain in its natural state, passing on that raw energy deep into the body and cells while maintaining full control of the intensity and pulse rate.
What is the difference between a 5 watt light bulb and a 5 watt laser? They both have 5 watts which is the same measurement of energy transfer, yet they both produce vastly different effects! The latter is more coherent, point source energy.
Analog technology is old school, but we feel it has far better effects biologically speaking. We have evolved analog PEMF technology to a level that we feel is currently unmatched in the industry. This is the most natural form of intense magnetic fields we could create… like having lightning in a box.
adapt to your body’s needs
ARC constantly changes the amplitude and pulse rate so that the body never adapts to the magnetic flux, resulting in the body never getting used to the energy. Like with working out, if you do the same exercise over and over, your body will get really good at doing that exercise and in turn, that exercise will no longer challenge the body to become stronger. Similarly, the ARC changing the magnetic flux constantly will never let your body grow accustom to the energy which will not only produce long term benefits, it will also significantly increases the depth of field penetration into the tissues of the body. Although the magnetic pulse patterns are ever changing, you can change both the intensity and the pulse rate on the ARC. This gives you the most control possible in a totally analog package. You will find that as your needs change, settings on the ARC can easily and intuitively be adjusted and adapted for what the body or application requires.

independent of frequency
Many machines use waveforms to cause sympathetic resonance entrainment at the cell level. The trillions of cells in your body are always in flux and resonating at many different frequencies that change throughout the day. Although you can certainly cause brainwave entrainment within certain frequency ranges, often, bombarding the body with repetitive frequencies that don’t change can can cause the body to resist these signals which can cause these resonator systems to lose efficacy over time.
Since our machine is a pure, point source, plasma generated magnetic field, it allows all of your trillions of cells to resonate at their own frequency. This means each cell will vibrate at its own exact resonance in that moment which improves organization in the cell membrane. In turn, this creates an improvement in the electrical integrity, and hence, themembrane’s power production performance.
No matter what setting you have set on your ARC, the frequency and amplitude will always change so your body can never truly adapt to magnetic flux, giving you a lifetime of beneficial magnetic energy.
The ARC offers unparalleled tissue penetration that is unmatched by solid state impulse devices.
ultra low maintenance and DESIGNED FOR YOUR LIFESTYLE
The ARC gives you peace of mind with years of maintenance-free PEMF sessions. Many systems on the market require costly and frequent calibrations. Our custom machined components are specifically engineered to last so you don’t have to regularly ship your machine for maintenance.
Whether you are a practitioner, or just passionate about your health, the ARC is designed for your lifestyle. The compact Pelican case of the ARC is strong and durable, while a handle and set of wheels makes it easy to take it from here to there. The ARC has many accessories, so we made a custom travel bag that holds everything you need for its many applications.